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Up Sails N°61


Taking care of the communities is taking care of people.

Up Sails N°61 - Read More…

Pentecost Letter - Don Marco Bove


When we talk about the birth of our Faith and Light communities, we usually say that no one had foreseen it; it was actually the Holy Spirit who inspired its beginning, at the end of the great pilgrimage to Lourdes at Easter 1971.

Pentecost Letter - Don Marco Bove - Read More…

Happy event: Joël’s Baptism at La Pirogue «The Canoe» - Saturday March 30, 2024


Joël, who had a difficult start in life, managed to move forward thanks to a loving adoptive family. One day, through La Pirogue "The Canoe" community, he discovers how to put his faith in Jesus into practice.

Happy event: Joël’s Baptism at La Pirogue «The Canoe» - Saturday March 30, 2024 - Read More…

Living paintings inspired by famous painters


In this Easter season, Angela Grassi (vice international coordinator) shares her thoughts with us and presents an incredible exhibition !

Living paintings inspired by famous painters - Read More…

Retreat in Ukraine «I will raise the flag very high !»


Starting from March 15 to 17, a hundred people with intellectual disabilities, their families and friends gathered for a retreat on the theme «I will raise the flag high». This event was made possible thanks to the support of generous donors and the international solidarity of the Faith and Light provinces.

Retreat in Ukraine «I will raise the flag very high !» - Read More…

Up Sails ! N°60


Christ is risen, Hallelujah, Hallelujah !

Up Sails ! N°60 - Read More…

Happy Easter of the Lord ! Letter from Don Marco Bove


Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here ; he has risen. » (Lk 24,5-6)

Happy Easter of the Lord ! Letter from Don Marco Bove - Read More…

Lent 2024 : Meditation N°6 from Don Marco Bove


On the way to Jerusalem with Jesus / 6. The crowd in Jerusalem

Lent 2024 : Meditation N°6 from Don Marco Bove - Read More…