Up Sails N°61 — Faith and Light

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Up Sails N°61

Taking care of the communities is taking care of people.

Dear communities, dear friends of the Faith and Light family,

- Daddy, Daddy, what does a plant need to grow?
- Well, my son, warmth from the sun, plenty of water, good soil and a lot of attention.
- And what does a person need to grow up?
I thought about it for a while. A lot of ideas came into my head to respond to my son and I realised that our needs weren't that different from the plant's, and I said:
- The warmth of the sun, plenty of water, good soil and a lot of attention.

Even today again, I say to myself that a Faith and Light community needs the same things to grow. This reflection is an invitation to take care of our community and the people who are part of it.

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