Up Sails — Faith and Light

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Up Sails

The Faith and Light International letter shares news from the movement around the world!

Up Sails N°61

Taking care of the communities is taking care of people.

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Up Sails ! N°60

Christ is risen, Hallelujah, Hallelujah !

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Up Sails N°59

Happy New Year 2024 ! In this first issue of the year, you'll find a few treasures to share, including a beautiful editorial by Raúl Izquierdo written to mark the Epiphany, and numerous reports from around the world...

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Up Sails ! N°58 "Together in Rome ! "

In this issue, you can relive the ecumenical prayer vigil with young people held in Rome at the end of September and discover many other reports!

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Up Sails ! N°57 - Special issue

"Called and sent as Peter" International meeting and General Assembly, Strasbourg 2023

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Up Sails N°56

June 2023 In this summer issue, you'll find information about the international meeting in Strasbourg next July, which we've been actively preparing for months.

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Up Sails ! N° 55

With Raúl, we will meditate on our journey with Jesus in the Passion and Resurrection. We will rejoice over the birth of a new community in Spain and we will join the 450 pilgrims of the Egypt South Kuwait Province in Egypt. Then we will go to Italy, England, Switzerland... We will discover the Emayc Center in Ukraine which, despite the war, continues to support people with disabilities and their families. And we will end our journey with a beautiful letter from Marie-Hélène Mathieu about the smile, expression of the soul! Do not hesitate to share this Hisse et Ho in your community, in your parish! We wish you a beautiful journey towards Easter, towards the Resurrection that makes us witnesses. May Jesus help us to live from his resurrection every day.

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Up Sails! N°54

In this Christmas issue, you will find several reports covering the 50 years of Faith and Light: in Lourdes but also in Great Britain, Portugal and Croatia with several thanksgiving pilgrimages! We will also travel to the Philippines to relive the assembly of the province Colours of Asia and discover their new team... enjoy your reading!

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Up Sails ! N° 53

Become like little children. The one who would be great must become small. Jesus proposes a descending path: humble oneself, serve, be there for others. At the end of his life he reminded us of this once again, through a more radical action: he washes his diciples' feet, just like slaves would do, and asks them to do the same in the future. Are we in Faith and Light familiar with this, we who have done and celebrated it so often?

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Up Sails 52!

Pentecost 2022. Our friends with intellectual disabilities are one of the best vaccines against any pandemic. They are a safe vaccine, I have experienced this personally. These vaccines do not have negative side effects and are free of charge. It is just a matter of will and choice. At Faith and Light, we need courageous men and women who look at others in the eye when they speak, who build, who carry, who contribute and who suggest. We need people who want to live with their problems and their wounds...

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Up Sails 51 "Ukraine in our hearts"

Seven pages devoted to our Ukrainian friends, a meeting of young people via Zoom in the province "Jesus, Light of the Andes", reports from Italy, the Ivory Coast... Many testimonies, the World Day of People with disabilities, the letter of Marie-Hélène Mathieu and many other articles...

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Up Sails! N°50, Christmas 2021

O God so great, who has made you so small? Love (St Bernard)

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Up Sails! N°49 Come and See

Slowly, life has started again! ... in Austria, in France, in North America... Testimonies, including the one from Marijus who was able to make his dream come true, and with All Saints Day approaching, the letter from Marie-Hélène Mathieu: "Our child for ever" and all the usual columns. Have a nice trip !

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Up Sails ! N°48 "Come Spirit, Father of the poor"

News from abroad, reports from USA East, Portugal and Belgium; testimonies; the usual columns and the Letter from Marie-Hélène Mathieu: "The strength of the look"... Enjoy your reading!

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