Meeting and formation session in Georgia — Faith and Light

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Meeting and formation session in Georgia

This event gathers the communities of the five countries of the Between the Seas province (Georgia, Russia, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Slovakia).

For the Province Between the Seas, it is important to meet with all its communities, because no face-to-face meeting has been possible since 2018, due to the Covid pandemic and wars. Georgia is the only country where the meeting is possible due to the political situation. The Faith and Light communities need to strengthen their bonds to find hope and support each other during this difficult time.

During these three days of training, there will be periods of sharing, reflection workshops, practical activities, three conferences led by Tim Buckley (United States), moments of prayer and celebration. Here is some information on the highlights of these three days:

  • On July 17, there will be a time of sharing and miming on the theme of hope followed by practical workshops and a conference on “the nature of hope”.
  • On July 18, after mass, everyone will be able to express through art what they feel when they lose hope. Then, the participants will meet in small groups for a time of discussion. The conference will focus on the theme “Facing challenges and overcoming difficulties while remaining hopeful” followed by a time for reflection.
  • On July 19, the day will begin with an Orthodox prayer followed by team games that encourage perseverance together. Reflection workshops will be offered during the afternoon and the day’s conference will focus on the theme “Jesus our hope”.


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